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Fresh Air Please!

Kristen Oldford

Let’s face it, how much time do we spend out in the fresh air, compared to how much time we dream about it? It seems that all of our lives have become so busy that we never take time to just breath, sit back and take it all in.

We live and work in the city (or “Town” as us “bay people” like to call it), but always have a longing for that sea breeze that awaits when we turn off the Trans Canada highway to Eastport. Its like an “ah ha” moment when we crest over the top of the hill and see “The Arm” and causeway that leads to the Peninsula. We never get tired of seeing that scene. Then we start to plan our weekend. We say that we want to do this, and that, and more besides. We usually just end up taking it easy and relaxing. We spend time outdoors with our kids and friends and family that still live there.

Only a few of our friends that we grew up with still live there. Many have moved to Town or the Mainland to work. Although they are away, they always long for home. Who wouldn’t? I mean, the slow pace, the people, the food, the scenery, the lifestyle that we left behind is like no other. You’ll often hear tourists say that the people of Newfoundland are some of the nicest, genuine people that you’ll meet. Well, they aren’t wrong. You will be called, “my duckie” or “my love” and offered some of the best food around! Everyone tries to feed you when you go to their home. Usually they aren’t satisfied until you’ve accepted a lunch or a meal from them while you’re visiting.

We like to spend time at the beach in the summer, and out in boat. The wintertime offers some good snow for snowmobiling. Its all about the outdoors to us. You really don’t have to live in Newfoundland to find fresh air. (Although, I am biased and say that there’s no other place like it). From one end of the country to the other, people always find a way to get out and enjoy the quiet life. Cottages at the lake, cabins in the mountains, boating, skiing, whatever gets you out. That’s what BayLife is about. Don’t get caught up in the fast paced work life and not make time for yourself to slow down a little. Always remember to breath in the fresh air and enjoy life.


BayLife, Let's start here.

Kristen Oldford

I just want to start by saying thank you to everyone who purchased, liked, loved, and shared our clothing. Its been quite a journey to get where we are today. Starting with an idea and wondering, will anyone like it? Then pondering, “do I actually have time to do this?”

Sometimes I still think we are crazy. Trying to juggle our full time jobs, 2 kids, a side hustle, and a business…Wait, we are crazy, lol. But in all seriousness, this is our life. This is the start of designing a life that is all ours, all our blood, sweat, and tears. No one said it was going to be easy, and a lot of people said, “ahh, give it up you don’t have time”. Oh, but that just fuels the fire. That just gives us more drive than ever! So, let’s do this!

I’m sat at my kitchen table now thinking of more ways to get our product out there, ways to share our story. Thinking can be hard when you have a 2 year old running around the main level of the house just screaming in excitement none stop playing with his trains, a 7 year old with his video game on bust, TV blaring, and a husband that is asking why I don’t hear all of that going on. Well, I hear it, but I’ve learned to tune it out. I’m sure most mom’s are equipped with this talent, its innate, its part of our survival instincts, lol.

This is just a touch of the craziness of our life. So that’s why sometimes you just need to sit back and relax and slow it down a little bit. We get to do this when we go to Eastport, our home town. We are lucky to have grown up in a place that most people in the province goes to visit as a vacation spot. The beaches are breath taking, the rugged landscape, cliffs, coves, and bays are shrouded with history and provides a moment for onlookers to sit and enjoy the slow life. Take a breath of sweet salt air. OMG, I can smell it now. Its a part of us. We want our clothing to represent this lifestyle, represent the simpler things in life. We want to wear where we want to be. Well, of course, we also want everyone to love it and wear it too! But, with that said, our clothes represents us, you, and everyone who thrives from and longs to live the simpler life. Cheers to that!

Stay tuned for more to come from BayLife.
